SustainUS Copenhagen Youth Preparation Guide
Extremely thorough. Included in this guide is a nicely crafted list of potential interview questions written by SustainUS (a nonprofit youth organization whose mission is to advance sustainable development and empower youth in the United States).
Q: What is your official title?
A: Delegate to the Fifteenth UN climate change conference (*wonk alert* UNFCCC COP15 = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 15th Conference of the Parties)
Q: What exactly will you be doing in Copenhagen?
A: I will be working with government delegates, fellow civil society members, and youth from around the world to promote youth-friendly and future-focused policies related to sustainable development and climate change. I will be presenting policy proposals, meeting with my government’s representatives, and working with the growing international youth movement to ensure a strong outcome at this conference.
Q: How did your organization get 'delegation status' for this UN conference?
A: It applied and was accepted for Observer status with the UN climate negotiations; The Climate Convention specifically calls for UN cooperation with non-governmental bodies (my organization) to achieve the objectives of the convention, so there is a special process of accreditation to the convention that it went through with the conference Secretariat.
Q: Do you think that youth will actually make an impact at this conference?
A: YES! You can talk about youth participation in elections in your country, grassroots campaigns, changing the tone of the conversation, bearing witness, etc. You can also mention that our success in large part depends on the solidarity of other people in your country. Talk about booing the U.S.A.’s Bush Administration 2 years ago in Bali and getting them to back down from blocking the negotiations, last year we launched Project Survival to highlight the role of countries who will disappear from our pollution and that's making its way into the text, campaign has changed what is the political baseline.
Q: Why is it important that youth are represented at the conference?
A: We will experience the worst of climate change throughout our lives if we don't act today. We want clean and safe energy solutions. We deserve to live in a world that is healthy and safe.
YOUNGO Copenhagen Logistic Handbook
This is a very helpful overview of basic topics, like food, money, weather, and transportation in Copenhagen.
Schedule of youth events, side events, other events in Copenhagen, etc.
All youth delegates are also invited to register to be on the delegation contact list.
And last but not least, check us out in the news: This Week Newspapers/Dakota Co. Tribune - Local students to attend international summit
5 days!
--Katie Paulson-Smith