Climate Justice Fast

The following was posted today by Anna Keenan on the Youth UNFCCC Google Group on her 16th day of fasting. I found it to be very inspiring:

The Climate Justice Fast is an international hunger strike which began on
the 6th of November - the last day of the Barcelona climate talks - to call
for strong, just action on the climate crisis. Participants in the Climate
Justice Fast are eating no food and will drink only water until, throughout
and potentially beyond the end of the UN climate negotiations in Copenhagen.

There are long-term fasters in Europe, Australia and the US, with supporters
all over the world - including India, Nepal, Bhutan, the Phillipines and

While the concept of the fast may shock some, we have found that it
inspires others and has the potential to wake people up to the urgency of
the situtation.

We feel that it is a very necessary action at this urgent time. We undertake
the Fast out of a deep love for life, and out of belief that all people
deserve the same chance for a safe life and a safe climate - this is
currently being jeopardised by climate change, and we see this as a great

Hunger striking is a form of protest unparalleled in its ability to
capture attention and catalyse social movements. It has been successfully
used throughout history to create awareness and motivation for action, as
the most powerful statement against injustice that an individual can make.
We are doing everything that we can within our personal power, to make

Mahatma Gandhi wrote that "under certain circumstances, fasting is the one
weapon God has given us for use in times of utter helplessness.” Many would
argue that the political inaction on climate change has now brought us to
such a time that a fast of this magnitude is warranted.

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